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Climbing triangle - you need to know that

The climbing triangle, also known as the Pikler triangle, is a child-centred approach to early childhood education and care . It was developed by the Hungarian pediatrician Dr. Emmi Pikler developed over 100 years ago and has proven to be helpful for the holistic development of children.

Below you will find a collection of questions and answers about the climbing triangle

Is a Pikler climbing triangle worth it?

It depends on the individual needs and preferences of each family. However, parenting techniques inspired by Pikler have been shown to be beneficial to both children and parents . Benefits of Pikler parenting include increased communication and trust between parents and children , increased children's independence , and an overall sense of calm within the family . If you're considering using Pikler methods at home, it's important that you do your research first and talk to other parents who have experience with this approach. There are many resources online and in print that can help you get started. Ultimately, the best way to decide if Pikler is right for you is to give it a try and see how it works for your family.

At what age can a child use the climbing triangle?

In principle, climbing triangles are suitable for children from 6 months to approx. 5 years

How much weight does a climbing triangle hold?

The Pikler triangle is typically designed to hold up to 50 kilograms , making it safe for multiple children to share. It's also foldable for easy storage, but sturdy enough to keep your child safe.

Climbing triangle carrying load

How safe is a Pikler climbing triangle?

When used in a supervised situation, Pikler triangles are safe. However, unsupervised play is where most accidents happen. Because of this, it is important to always use Pikler triangles in a safe and supervised environment. In principle, climbing triangles must have a valid CE seal so that they are approved for sale in Germany.

What is a climbing triangle for?

The Pikler triangle is a device that allows children to climb, jump and slide . It supports the child in the development of motor skills. It also stimulates children's imagination . As children develop, they will interpret the frame in many different ways and not just climb, jump and slide!

Is a Pikler triangle also Montessori?

The Pikler triangle is not specifically associated with Montessori , but it is based on the work of Dr. Pikler, who was a Montessori teacher and researcher. dr Pikler believed in learning through play, apart from her parents, and the Pikler triangle is a diagram that illustrates this philosophy.

What material is a climbing triangle made of?

As a rule, the climbing triangles and their side parts are made of birch multiplex wood and the rungs are made of ash wood .

How much does a climbing triangle cost?

Here, of course, it all depends on the individual construction. High-quality climbing triangles usually start at around €120 - €150 .

Is a mat necessary under the climbing triangle?

There are a few different things that can be placed under a Pikler triangle to make it more stable and comfortable for the child. One option is a rug or rug. This makes it stable but still slightly cushioned.

Another option is foam padding , which can add extra cushioning and comfort. Finally, some parents may choose to use a blanket or towel to create a softer surface for the child to lie on.

How do I get my child to use the climbing triangle?

Every baby develops at their own pace. However , some tips for introducing a Pikler triangle are:

  • Place the triangle in an area where your baby can see and explore.
  • Show your baby how to climb up and down the triangle.
  • Encourage your baby to explore the triangle for themselves.
  • Make sure the triangle is always safe for your baby.

Here you can find our large selection of climbing triangles !

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